Exquisite Pizza Sauce from Tollybell's Recipes


Courtesy of Jim Bigelow


*1 6 ounce can tomato paste *6 fluid ounces warm water *3 tablespoons grated Parmesan Cheese *1 tsp minced garlic *2 tablespoons honey *1 tsp anchovy paste *3/4 tsp onion powder *1/4 tsp oregano *1/4 tsp marjoram *1/4 tsp basil *1/4 tsp groud black pepper *1/8 tsp cayenne pepper *1/8 tsp dried red pepper flakes *salt to taste


In a small bowl combine all ingredients together,breaking up any clumps of cheese. Sauce should sit about 30 min. to blend flavors; spead over pizza dough and prepare pizza as desired.
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