Gluten free freezable breakfast sandwiches by cookiemonster16


Frying pans Bowl plus fork if you want scrambled eggs Fork if you want to cook bacon Spatula for eggs plus if you want sausage patties or ham Non stick cooking spray Plastic wrap and freezer bags Disposable cookie sheets to cool sandwiches Liquid eggs or egg of your choice Gluten free English muffin Sliced cheese Breakfast ham or sausage patties or bacon If are allergic to eggs or dairy you can just add ham or bacon


Spray pans heat on medium high Scramble eggs or just do fried eggs if you are allergic to eggs skip this part Cook eggs until fully done Cook bacon or what ever else you are adding Place egg and topping and cheese onto gluten free English muffin if you have egg or dairy allergies skip this step Let cool on baking pans Once cool wrap in plastic wrap put in freezer bags put in freezer To heat up wrap in paper towel cook microwave 30 seconds If still frozen microwave another 30 seconds