PB 'nana Cream Bites from Clrizza's Recipes


2 large bananas 1/4 cup nat­ural peanut but­ter 1/2 cup choco­late chips 2 tbsp-1/4 cup milk of choice


1) Line a cookie sheet with waxed paper or parchment. 2) Slice bananas into coins about 1/2–3/4 inch thick. 3) Spread a lit­tle dol­lop of peanut but­ter on top of each one. 4) In a small bowl, com­bine the choco­late chips and milk (remem­ber, less is more). 5) Microwave in 15 sec­ond incre­ments until you can whisk them together. You want it to be a dipable con­sis­tency, not spread­able. Add a splash more milk if nec­es­sary. 6) Dip the banana chunks using a fork as a lit­tle chocolate-coating fork­lift, dip­ping them into the melted choco­late. 7) Place choco­late coated bananas on the pre­pared sheet and place in freezer until com­pletely frozen (3–5 hours). 8) Remove frozen banana chunks from the sheet and store in a freezer container.
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