4 ounce jar or tin
double boiler
kitchen scale
30 grams coconut oil
20 grams shea butter
10 grams carrier oil (liquid at room temp ex: almond oil)
10 grams beeswax
15 grams arrowroot powder
15 grams Diatomaceous Earth (Food grade)
5 drops Vitamin E
20-25 drops essential oils (lavender & patchouli, tea tree oil)
1. Measure oils, shea butter, and beeswax into upper part of double boiler.
2. Melt on low heat over bottom part of double broiler until everything is melted. Keep stirring.
3. Turn off heat and allow to cool a few minutes.
4. Add arrowroot, diatomaceous earth, Vitamin E, and essential oils; whisk vigorously, to fully combine.
5. Pour into container and place somewhere safe so it can set up.