MJF - HONEY - HERBAL from Daellam's Recipes
Source: MountainRoseHerbs
Tags: Other


Fresh or dried herbs and spices. Use one or more in combination. Popular choices include: lavender, rose petals, lemon balm, chamomile, basil, ginger, sage, peppermint, cinnamon, vanilla beans, star anise, chili peppers, Rosemary, rose hips, lilac flowers, meadowsweet, nutmeg, and thyme. Honey (preferably raw honey from a local beekeeper) Clean, dry glass jars with lids Strainer Chopstick, spoon, or other stirring utensil


1. Place your herbs in a clean glass jar, filling approximately halfway if using fresh herbs, or 1/4 full if using dried herbs. You can adjust the ratio y adding less with potent herbs like peppermint, Rosemary, or thyme, and more with delicate herbs like roses or chamomile. 2. Top with honey, stir, and cap with a tight-fitting lid. 3. Stir with a clean spoon or turn the jar over once per day. Add more honey if the herbs swell and rise above it. 4. Allow to infuse for a week or longer, then strain once the desired flavor has been achieved. Some herbs can be left in the honey ad do not need to be strained out, such as soft lavender buds and rose petals. Honey may need to be warmed before straining. To do this, place the jar in the top of a double boiler and gently heat at a low temperature until the honey has softened enough to easily strain. 5. Place the honey in a clean, dry jar with a tight-fitting lid. Keep stored in a cool, dark area where it will keep indefinitely. 6. Powdered herbs may be used as a cleaner and easier infusion option. When infusing powdered herbs, use a lesser amount, as they are denser and more potent that cut herbs. Simply stir them into the honey; no straining required.
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