Horchata from Brook's Recipes
Tags: Drink


3 C White Rice (Uncooked and Rinsed) 3 C Water 1 Chocolate Tablet (abuelita brand) 2 Cinnamon Sticks 2 Cans Condensed Milk 1 C Pure Maple Syrup (or Sugar) 1 1/4 tsp Pure Vanilla Extract


1. Wash and drain rice. Combine rice with cinnamon sticks in water and soak overnight (at least 10 hours). 2. Cut tablet into quarters. Blend together with rice, cinnamon sticks, water, and sugar (if using granulated sugar) until as smooth as possible. 3. Pour blended rice mixture through fine mesh sieve two times then once again through cheesecloth to remove gritty bits of rice and cinnamon sticks. 4. Add milk, maple syrup, and vanilla extract to strained mixture. Mix well to combine. Add more syrup if needed. 5. Add ice to thin.
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